Volume -9, Issue -2 Nov 2022

Polymer composites strengthened with natural fibers are much attractive than traditional component due to their availability, renewability, low weight and cost, low density, and biodegradability. There are a variety of natural fibers, such as coir, hemp, jute, and palm that can be applied as reinforcement or filler, showing potential as a replacement for inorganic fibers. Plastics are frequently...
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Optimization of the yield and adsorptive effectiveness of activated carbon prepared with coconut fibre and potassium hydroxide (KOH) for the treatment of wastewater is presented. Different values of the operating parameters (activation temperature, X1 and impregnation ratio, X2) in the range of 350 to 550oC and 1 to 3g/g for an activation time of 5 min were used to investigate the activated...
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Nowadays, ceramic magnets are produced artificially under precisely managed sintering and compositional circumstances. As a result, copper doped cobalt ferrites with the general chemical formula CuxCo(1-x)Fe2O4 (x=0.0, 0.4, and 1.0) were made using the standard ceramic method under varied sintering conditions using AR grade oxides. The formation of a single-phase spinel structure is demonstrated...
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In the last century, polymers have appeared as one of the best essential materials used in daily life, polypropylene (PP) being one such instance. Until lately, synthetic filler ingredients were the desired choice for improving the strength of PP. Nevertheless, natural filler/fiber ingredients are developing as appropriate substitutes to synthetic ingredients for strengthening polymers such as...
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Today's power system continues to expand exponentially due to extensive automated need for both domestic and industrial needs. The expansion of power transmission networks is limited due to environmental right of way and economic reasons. The ever growing demand of power system network has resulted in rotor angle oscillations and voltage instability. It is precisely due to the inability to...
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In this paper we introduced an approach to increase integration rate of field-effect heterotransistors in the framework of a voltage controlled oscillator. We formulate recommendations for optimization of annealing to decrease dimensions of field-effect heterotransistors and to increase their density. At the same time one can decrease transition area between doped and undoped areas of elements...
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A multifunctional refrigerator for heating and cooling of food has been designed, tested and presented in this work. It is a more viable alternative means of keeping food warmth before consumption rather than using the conventional microwave oven. The waste energy from the refrigerator is harnessed and routed to a heating chamber where it is used to heat up processed food materials. The system...
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The most cutting-edge field of the twenty-first century is nanotechnology. In comparison to their bulk counterparts, nanoparticles have grown significantly in importance due to their special features. Zinc oxide nanoparticles are among the most significant metal nanoparticles because they are used in optical, physical, and antibacterial characteristics, gas sensors, biosensors, cosmetics,...
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The aim was to investigate the use of oil palm petiole fiber (OPPF) as a source for producing nanocrystalline cellulose. OPPF was treated with alkali (NaOH) first, and bleached before the production of nanocellulose by acid hydrolysis (H2SO4). The materials obtained after each stage of treatments were characterized and their chemical compositions were determined. The produced materials were...
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The increasing demands for low-fuel, highly efficient vehicles with low CO2 emissions have forced the auto-manufacturing industry and other researchers to continuously seek for innovative ways of improving engine performance and passenger comfort without sacrificing safety and increasing operational costs of vehicles. This study, which represents such innovative efforts, employed computational...
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After being discovered in 1956, Exchange Bias effect has invoked the interest of many researchers, which apparently increased after emergence of its versatile application related to giant magneto resistance, spintronics and its use in magnetic sensors and as stabilizers in magnetic reading heads. This review primarily focuses on understanding the phenomenon of Exchange Bias Effect and its...
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The purpose of this article is to introduce some results on fuzzy supra Baire spaces and other fuzzy supra topological spaces. The characterization and relation between fuzzy supra strongly hyperconnected spaces and fuzzy supra Baire spaces were carried out. From the results, we have shown that fuzzy supra strongly hyperconnected spaces which are not fuzzy supra Baire spaces. In addition,...
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Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) is regarded in this study as a simple and low-cost alternative catalyst for the isomerization of glucose and the production of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF). Two methods of preparing ZIF-8 catalysts were investigated: room temperature and hydrothermal synthesis at 140...
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Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets are substantial extensions of fuzzy sets which play a key factor in describing and providing ease of solving higher complexities in engineering and science. However, certain ambiguous situations cannot be addressed by using fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The extension of fuzzy set, namely, Temporal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets paved the way for...
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Industrial Monitoring and Control is crucial for gathering all the significant data, statistics, and information on the numerous industrial processes, motors, machines, and equipment used in industrial facilities. This seeks to produce industrial goods with controlled access, increased productivity, and excellent quality. Remote control and monitoring using communication systems like ZigBee,...
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