Abstract :

People with their busy schedules tend to ignore the importance of health. To encourage people to keep track of their health and to overcome the difficulty of making regular visits to the hospital the Medical Mirror is proposed. The Medical Mirror is a novel interactive interface that tracks and displays a user’s heart rate, height, weight, body temperature, blood pressure and sugar levels in real time. It is an approach to make ordinary people to have access and control over their own physiological data so as to play a vital role in the management of their health. However, current techniques for physiological data monitoring, require users to strap on bulky sensors, chest straps or sticky electrodes. This discourages regular use because the sensors can be uncomfortable or encumbering. This work proposes a new mirror interface for real-time, contact-free measurements of pulse rate without sensors. These techniques also involve the use of separate equipment in the measurement of each health parameters of human body. Medical Mirror integrates all the measuring facilities at one place with a compatible user interface providing a convenient means for people to track their health condition. It records the measured data and will be displayed in the form of charts. The application will understand the input given by the user and accordingly it provides feedback for the further health improvement. Users can have the experience of remote health monitoring by looking into the Medical Mirror. The Medical Mirror fits seamlessly into the ambient home environment, blending the data collection process into the course of daily lifestyle. Medical mirror will ease the user interface. Digital medical devices promise to transform the future of medicine because of their ability to produce exquisitely detailed individual physiological database. When people start accessing this technique they can easily monitor their physiological condition by referring their data.